John Gilbank to the American Commissioners
ALS: American Philosophical Society
<Nantes, November 16, 1778: Having received no answer from
you, I am writing a third time to request money to join my
regiment in South Carolina. A convoy is expected and the vessels
will be ready to sail. It is the custom of every nation to
supply an officer who has been taken prisoner with the
amount of his pay to rejoin his station. If this were not so,
what gentleman would risk his life and connections in the service
of his country?
Certainly Congress would cheerfully do all in its power to
relieve an officer in distress; therefore I hope to receive an
order from you as soon as the post permits. As a continental
officer I have the right to expect this, a state officer here already
having an order to receive what he wants. Every officer
in the service ought to be treated alike. I hope you will not
decline to answer me so that, in the event of a refusal, the
issue may at least be presented before the legislature.
A gentleman recently in Paris reports that you are critical of
continental officers who idle away their time and fail to exert
themselves to find means of returning to their country’s service.
Such censure ought not to apply to me. My stay has been
unavoidable, no ship having sailed for America since shortly
after I arrived. I would embrace any opportunity of leaving
this place.>
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