To James Woodmason
als and press copy: Assay Office, Birmingham, England
Passy, July 25. 1780

I sometime since ordered the Payment of your Account for the Paper, which I hear is arrived at Rouen.

I thank you for the Proposals relating to the new-invented Art of Copying. I have distributed the Specimens among such as I thought likely to use or recommend the Invention. And I have myself made a faint Attempt to practise it, as you will see by the Sample enclos'd. But as I love to encourage Ingenuity, you may put me down as a Subscriber, and send me three of the Machines, wch. are for some Friends. With great Regard, I am, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant

B Franklin

p.s. It is probable I may send another Order for Paper, it being much admired here.
Mr Woodmason
Notation: B: Franklin July 25 1780
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