I received your Favour of the 17th. & immediately communicated it to my Grandfather. He is of Opinion that you should set off immediately for Brest, whence a Frigate is to be dispatched for America in a very short time. The Marquis de Castries wrote my Grandfather, in ansr. to the Letter you carried, that for the Moment he had no Vessel about to sail for America, but that as soon as an Opportunity offer’d, he would inform him thereof & comply with his Request in letting you have a Passage. My grandfather goes to Court on Tuesday & will get the Minister to give Orders to the Captain accordingly. You should loose no time in leaving Nantes.
I lament exceedingly your Accident: but I doubt not but that the glorious News has healed the Wound. I sent immediately on receiving it, the intelligence to Mr. Williams, who I make no doubt communicated it to you. It was relying on this, that I did not write you on the Occasion.
My Grandfather joins me in wishing you a good Voyage and a happy sight of your Friends & Country.
With Sentiments of Esteem & affection, I am, Dear Sir Y. m. O. &. m. h. S.