The messenger who is to carry this letter to Capn. Willet is waiting, and I have but a few minutes for the pen to tell you that Mr. Jennings has just presented me with Your letter of recommendation, he is a young man whose fame for painting presceded him to London, and every assistance I can afford him while he is hear will be given with pleasure. All your friends hear rejoyce at your health being much improved since your Arrival in your native country, most of your intimates on this side of the water are well. Mr. Whitefoord I saw a few days past, he would greatly rejoyce, were You to write him a letter by some convenient opportunity. Mrs. West and my two sons are in health, Your Godson Benjamin is near six feet high, they all desire to be affectionately remembred to you, and likewise to your Grands son, to whome, allso, present my compliments. I shall always rejoyce to hear from you and be assured I am Dear Sir Your greatly Obliged and Obedient Humble servant