At the time I left England, I put my Library under the Care of a Gentleman of my Acquaintance with Directions to forward it to France, when he should receive directions from one to that purpose, sometime after my Arrival I wrote for it & recollecting that my Residence was a matter of a very [uncer]tain Nature, I took the Liberty to order it to your Address. I therefore beg the favor of you, if it has or should come to your hands, to send it here by the first good Opportunity, any expenses that may attend I will pay to your Order—
The French Fleet arrived at Newport the 10th. Inst Admiral Grennes is also at New york, without the [Hook], we are making all possible preparations for an Attempt against that place—I expect we shall have a very vigorous Campaign— I am Sir your most Obedt. & very hum. servt.