To all Captains and Commanders of Vessels of War, Privateers and Letters of Marque belonging to the United States of America, or to any of their Allies.
It being represented to me, and appearing by good Testimony that Capt. Benjamin Carpenter, a Native of America, and Subject of the United States, having Property in Ireland, which he is desirous of transporting to his own Country, be vesting it in such Merchandize as may be most useful to the Publick Service there, as coarse Woolens, Canvass, Cordage &ca. and having purchased the Brigantine Adventure, of about one hundred and sixty Tons, to transport the said Goods: And the Congress having by a Special Resolution for that purpose permitted the Importation from the English Dominions, of the Property of the Inhabitants of America, or of Persons who are about to become Inhabitants in any of the said States; I do therefore request, that if the said Brigantine Adventure, mann’d with about ten Seamen, and Caommanded by the aforesaid Benjamin Carpenter, should in the Course of her Voyage from Ireland to America, be met with by you, you would let her pass freely, with her Company Goods and Merchandize, without any Let, Hindrance, Seiqure, or Molestation whatsoever.
Given as Passy near Paris, this fourteenth Day of March, one thousand and seven hundred and eighty.