Since the Letter I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 19th Inst, the Duke de Lauzun is arrived at Versailles from Virginia with the glorious News of the combined Force of America & France having forced General Cornwallis to capitulate. The English Garrison marched out of York Town on the 19th of Octr. with the honour of War & laid down their Arms: the Troops consisted of about Six thousand Sailors & Negroes 1899, 22 pair of Coulours, & 170 Pieces of Canon, of which 75 were of brass.—Besides which a Vessel of 150 Guns with a considerable Number of Transports were burnt. These are the only particulars which have as yet transpired of this important Event. In a few Days will be published the Articles of Capitulation when I shall immediately forward them to your Excellency.
Hoping that your Negociations may partake of the good Effect of this Victory, I have the honour to be, Sir, &ca.—