D. Jones to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Augt. 4 /84 No. 14 Bishopsgate Str.—London

I should be very much obliged to you if you would discharge your Acct. it not being in the power of Mr. E: Watson to pay it, I am Your humble. Servt.

D Jones

Mr. Franklin
To D. Jones
April 18, 2 ¼ yds. Supne. Cloth19/..2..2..9
2 ½ doz plated buttons4/—..10..—
Making a Lapelled Coat
and all Materials—..16..—
To a Printed Jane wait.—..17..—
A pr. ribdeleur Breeches1..1..—
Addressed: William Temple Franklin Esqr. / Passy / near / Paris
Bishopsgate Street
Notation: D. Jones, 4 Augt. 1784.—
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