I had thought to send some more soap by this Vesel but I have it not yet quit ready I however would not miss writing as my Grand son has Informed me he is with you; I am sorry you are as it were forced to bare the Burden of soporting my whol Famely, but I quiet my self with concidering on your acount, that it is more plessed to give than to recive tho I think my self aboundantly Blessdd as the Latter.
I think it was Disrespectfull in him to me not to ask my advice but as he has now desiered my Recomendation I will Inclose you his Leter to me wherein you will see the man as he is, and I can Add nothing to it as it contains all I beleve about him. He has as I think Thrust himself Rudely under your Protection. I however thank you for your Notice of him and hope he will so Behave as to obtain your future Aprobation. I know your Wisdom and Goodnes will Incline you to watch over and Admonish, or Reprove Him, as you find occasion, and if you can make him Ashamed of that Ridiculous Vanety he so much Indulges, an convert him from it, you may by that means save a sould from Death and hide a multitude of sins.
I dont wish him to know I sent you his Leter and if you have a convenant opertunity Pleas to send it back again. All my famely Joyn in the most Dutifull and Affectionat Respects to you and yours with your Sister