I mentioned in mine per last Post that I had written to Mr Lee, who was then here, & that I declined sending you a Copy of my Letter because I intended to send you a Copy of his answer at the same time; But as he has suddenly taken his Departure without giving me any answer I now inclose my above mentioned Letter, and earnestly request you to record it with the one I wrote to Mr Adams & yourself, in the same File with my Accts, that at any Future Day (in whosever hands they may Fall,) the Wound and the Balm to my Reputation may appear together: What must we say of a man who so deliberately makes such heavy Charges & shrinks from every opportunity of supporting them.— His own Conscience is my advocate.—
I intend to send all these Papers to my good Friend Carmichael to be made use of if occasion requires, and with (your Consent) I will give him leave to publish them, but this I will not do without your Consent, because I think we should be cautious in bringing our Disputes before the World.—
I am sorry to hear that Mr Beaumarchais and the late Commrs could not agree. I hope for the Credit of our Country you will prevent the Extremitys, which were talked of.—
I am ever with the greatest Respect your dutifull and Affectionate Kinsman