I have made free to Rite to your Honer about the Resarve that the Honrabel Council Give me over the Alleyganey River I think there is a mistake in the Nr. of my inprovement Nr. 36 is the Lot that I Live on Mr. Scull and myself was Examing it and thinks that that Nr. is mistake as it is not in the Colman with Nr 37 and 38 wich is the hole of my inprovement that I have this five years hard Labored on for my Small famly So that I hope your Honr will be pleased to See that nother bodey will Get Nr. 36 for it is the only Lot that I have Boathard on with the other two Nr wich See in the Draft there is a 35 feet alley betwine Col William Buttlers inprovement wich is Nr 34 and my thre Lots. Lot 36 is in a Colem with 35 that is Col. Buttlers Clames wich makes me be in Dout but the Honrabel David Riddick will Sho that these Lots that I discribe to you is my in Closer I have Sent by the Honrabel D Riddick a proposel of one hundred and Eightey five pounds penselvaney securetys for them thre Lots wich is acers 17- 3-32 [??] and fifteen pounds for the town Lots anext to them and if Shold not be Sofichant I Lave it to that Honrabel bord to put a price to it them Selves and I will pay it So I hope your Honer will See that this Lot with others two will be less for me as I Can make it apeer that the are my inprovement but Shold I Los anny of them Let it be the Small Lot wich is two acers and [Seme parchis] and [port] of it is in [my ful] it wid Destress my Small famly to Los that Lot that my [bildens] is on wich is that Very one that is in the Colem with Nr. 35. and 34 is the inprovements of Col Buttler Sr I am your most humbel Servent