Connecticut Society Academy of Arts and Sciences to American Philosophical Society (unpublished)
New Haven July 3 1787.

Last year a literary Society was instituted in this State by the Name of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, of which the Hon Lieut Govr Wolcott is President. By a Note of the Society last May, I am directed in their Name to address their most respectful Requests to the Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, and the Academies of Sciences throughout Europe, asking their fraternal Communications with us, and pray, as a Testimony of their Literary Friendship, that they would be pleased to send us their Publications; and to assure them that when our literary Collections shall be published, we shall ask their Acceptance of a Copy of them from Time to time. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your Most obedient very humble servant

Ezra Stiles Corresponding
Secretary of the Connecticutt
Society of Arts and Sciences.
To the President of the Phila. Socy at Philada
Addressed: To the President of the / Philosophical Society / Philadelphia / favored by the / Rev. Mr. Cutler
Endorsed: Dr Stiles July 3 87
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