Tho’ we can no longer call ourselves Fellow Subjects of the Same Sovereign, yet I hope we shall never forget that we are Fellow Labourers in the Service of Humanity. This gives a right to claim reciprocaly Good-offices. Now that you have in some degree settled the various Interests of great Empires, I hope you will find time to exert Yourself in the Service of Humanity, and consider the Service of the Individuals who compose Empires. Do not you think that the greatest Calamity the Garrison of St Philips suffered arose from their Inattention to preserve a free Current of Air thro’ their Subterranean Lodgements? While greater Matters claimed Your attention, you think you should Stand accquitted for the Neglect of lesser Subjects. There is a time for all things.
This Letter will probably be delivered to you by Patrick Wilkie Esqr, who goes Consul to Alicant, and intends to take Paris in his way. I can promise you that if you have at any time business to transact there, he will puctually and honestly execute the Same. And I told him, that when you go Your Terrestrial Paradice, the promised Seat of Liberty, Peace and Plenty, you will be equally ready to Service him. May You enjoy Health and that expected Peace prays Dear Sir Your Faithful and most humble Servant