I will beg the favour of your advice and assistance upon the following case which has arisen by the late death of a very worthy and valuable friend of myne Lord Templeton respecting some part of his family.
In the year 1764 Closworthy Upton Esqr (afterwards created Lord Templeton in Ireland) with the Earl of Ilchester and Lord Holland obtained the Kings order in council for a grant of 20,000 acres of land each in the province of N York.
About the year 1769 Mr. Upton for the better location of his 20,000 Acres joined Col. Stuats Morais John Butler Esqr and others in the Purchase of a Grant from the Proprietors of the Country of the Aguago Indians of 80,000 acres upon the Sesquehanna and Tienderrah rivers for which a Consideration of 2000 dollars was paid on the 9th of feb 1769.
Mr. Upton had 20,000 acres of this land located to him accordingly on the Tienderrah river near its confluence with the Sesquehanna as may be seen by the records of the grants of the province, upon which land he expended several sums of money and by deed of the 3d of April 1769 conveyed the same in trust for the use of Francis Upton, Closworthy upton the younger and Sophia Upton and their heirs for ever.
Mr. Francis Upton being therefore just arrived at age is desirous of claiming the said 20000 acres of land on behalf of himself his Brother and Sister, and hopes that as two of them are still Minors, and he came of age only on feb 25 1785 (which prevented their applying to the legislature of New York before) the same may be restored to them it being their principal dependence.
The late Lord Templeton was a very worthy friend of mine, and a friend to the rights of Mankind and therefore I wish to contribute every assistance in my power for the advantage of his offspring. I shall be much obliged to you for your advice and assistance and likewise I beg the favour of you to transmitt the enclosed case from me to our worthy friend now in America Mr. Jay and to beg the favour of his answer to me in England. Remember me to all friends at Passy &c your ever most affectionate