A low Piece of insipid ironical Scurrility having appeared in Mr. Bradford’s last Paper, I think it altogether unworthy of any other Notice, than to contradict what I apprehend to be an insinuated Falshood, which it contains. It is questioned, with what Propriety I could advertise in the Papers, that the Discourse was delivered before the Trustees of the Academy, when there was not one Third of them present? And, Whether I have used the Trustees well, in making them the Patrons of it, when so few of them heard it, and when perhaps none of them had an Opportunity of examining it? I suppose he means by making them the Patrons of it, addressing it to them. Now, these Questions must either mean, That I had not the Leave of the Trustees to deliver it before them, or they mean nothing to the Purpose: Because, if the Thing was regularly proposed by the President at a Meeting of the Trustees, and agreed to without any Objection (as is mention’d in the Preface to the Discourse) then I had a Right to say all that is said, whether they were all present or not, or whether any of them had an Opportunity of examining it. Now, tho’ this Matter be clear’d up in the Preface (for I had heard the Report before) and in a Manner certified by Mr. Franklin the President, seeing his Name is in the Title Page; yet as every Body who reads News Papers, may not see what is there said, I have thought proper to demand, as a Piece of Justice, a Certificate of the Matter under the President’s Hand, to shew what mean and unfair Methods such People will take to execute their poor spirited, impotent Malice. Mr. Franklin differs in Opinion with me about the Insinuation; but of that we must allow other People to judge. I am, Sir, Yours, &c.