As my Health begins to mend, I begin to write more frequently to my Friends—since I left you I have not been so well as I have been for these few Days past, and were it not for a peice of Business about which I have been subjected to unexpected and useless Delays, I should be with you in less than a week.
I wrote a few Days ago to your Grandfather—but ommitted to mention that Mr. Chace who had written to him about some Matters of Business, complains of having never recd. an answer—I promisd. him to mention this matter to the Doct.—be pleased to remind him of it—
The political State of affairs here continues to be the Subject of much Conversation & Speculation—a little Time will be necessary to enable us to form an accurate Judgmt. of the probable Issue of them, & how far the Influence of the prevailing Counsels may extend—
Thank God, New York is at last evacuated—so that our anxieties on that Head are at an end—Mr. LeRoy who came from France in the last Packet says that Mr. Thaxter had arrived before he sailed which is another good peice of news—accept the Compts. of the Season—present them with my best wishes to Your Grandfather and Cousin—be pleased to send the enclosed to Mrs. jay and believe me to be Dr. sir with great Regard Your most obt. & very hble Servt.