V. & P. French & Nephew to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
Bordeaux 27 December 1783.
D Sir

We presume you must have rec’d. in Cource our letter of the 13th. Sepe. though we have been much disapointed in not receiving any reply from you Ever Since, we wrote it at the desire of our friend Mr. Jona. Williams & tis by his directions We have Shiped Since the C Currt. by an Excellent opportuny. of a Vessell bound to Roüen to address of our friends Messes. R & Ay. Garvey Eight Cases of our best claret containg. 480 bottles fit for immediate use & we make no manner of doubt but the quality &ca. will meet his Excellency’s approbation, he will find it, if any thing, Superiour to the former claret we had dispatched hence, Messes. Garvey advise us to have written you on this Subject the 15th. We Shall be much pleased to hear from you in Cource & always to receive your Commands this way—annexed is Accot. of Cost of Said Claret making—Lts. 960—for your Government pray assure Mr. & Mrs. Price of Our Respectfull Compliments— We remain With much respect & Esteem Dr. Sir, Your assured humble Servts.

V. & P. French & Nephew

We shall, rely upon it, be always particularly to your’s & to His Excellency’s Commands, sho’d you please to favour us with them—You Can pay the Amount of this wine to our Friends Messrs. Tourton & Ravel Bankers taking their receipt a for the same
Wm. T. Franklin Esqr. Passy
Bordeaux 27 December 1783.
Invoice of Eight Cases of choice old claret Sixty Bottles Each Shiped on board the Nestor of Bordeaux, Charles Noel Master Bound to Roüen there addressed to Messes. Robert & Anthy. Garvey, to be forwarded to his Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqr. being by his orders & for his accot. & risk, transmited to us by Mr. Jonathan Williams of Nantes—Viz. HE BF To 8 Cases Choice old Claret 60 Bottles Each 480 Bottles—40 per


Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur W. T. Franklin Chez / Son Excellence Benjamin Franklin Ecuyer / Embassadeur des Etâts Unis de L’Amerique, a / La Cour de France En Son hotel— / Passy / Près de Paris
Notations: French 27 Dec. 1783 Ansd. 9. Feb. 84
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