Since I wrote to you last this Colony has Rather increased in the Confusion and distraction of the times then otherways. Meetings have been Called by the Populace &c. where the most Ext[raordina]ry Votes have Passed and our friend Ingersoll has been more then humbled. He has been so intimidated as to give up his Letters publick and Private—almost Every moderate Man has been found fault with—this Spirit has Prevaled more on the Eastern than on the western side of the River owing in my Opinion to our Near Neighbourhood of the good and Sanctified People of the Massachussets Bay. I have on many Accounts Endeavourd to keep my self as Clear of these disputes as Possible—and altho’ I have in the most modest manner disaproved of the Stamp act yet because I do not joyn in the Extreem Methods which have been taken I am Looked upon with a Jealous Eye and Rather Esteem’d as a friend to those measures I would by Every Humble Remonstrance try to get Clear of. You will know that in New York Matters have been Carryed to the greatest lenghths so far as to Burn the Stamp Papers. By the Pacquet which arrived [illegible] Sundays agoe a Circular letter from Mr. Conway Secretary of State is Come over; that to the Governor of Rhode Island I have seen. Tis Couched in the Strongest Termes you Can Conceive and telling the Governor that his Majesty Can in no way Suffer his own dignity and the authority of the British Parliament to be Trampled upon—and Exorts him and all his Majestys Servants to Represent to the people the dreadfull Consequences that must inevitably attend the Forceable opposition to an Act of the British Legislature—and directs them to Call upon General Gage and Lord Colvile Commanders of his Majestys Naval and Land Forces in case Force is Necessary to maintain order and good Government. As Very few have seen these Letters I Cannot tell you what impression they will make on the Minds of the People. But do assure you I tremble for the Consequences that may attend this matter—good God what a Situation is this unhappy Country in and how have the People been Raised to a Pitch of Inthusiasm by bringing themselves to believe that they are able to withstand the Force of great Britain. It will give me infinite Pleasure to hear from you and what you say will Remain with me alone. My Little Woman and Little Girl are Very well. We often think of you and I am with great Respect and Regard Sir Your Very Obedient Servant