Gentlemen at Nantes to the American
LS: American Philosophical Society
<Nantes, November 7, 1778: Repeated captures of American
vessels off this coast induce us to seek more effective protection.
The intelligence our enemies obtain about the departure
of our ships allows their capture as soon as the French frigates
part from their convoy. Not only are supplies to our country
threatened, so are the American gentlemen intending to sail
with these vessels, men who have already experienced the
horrors of imprisonment. We have petitioned M. de Sartine
and request that you use your influence at court to obtain a
convoy for the entire voyage. Twelve ships at La Rochelle will
be ready by the end of the month when we hope the desired
convoy will be available. [Signed:] J. DL. Schweighauser
Agent of the united states of America, Joshua Johnson, Matt.
Ridley, Jona. Williams J, Cha: Ogilvie, Matthew Mease, Jno.
Gilbank, William Haywood, John Lloyd, Nics. Martin,
Ebenr. Atwood, Peter Collas, Phil Rd. Fendall, Danl.
Blake, Clemt. Smith, J Grubb, John Spencer, Jno. Grannis,
Joseph Belton, Jos Wm Spencer, Joseph Hill Jennings,
Richd. Grubb, Alexr. Dick, Josiah Darrell, Cyprn. Sterry,
Wilm. Jenny, Christopher Bassett, Robert Ewart, Jno. Tyler,
Daniel Kenney, Stephen Johnson.>
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