Elias Boudinot to the American Commissioners (unpublished)
Princeton 15. July 1783
As Congress have not yet elected any Minister for Foreign
Affairs, and knowing the importance of your Being fully informed
of every public transaction relative to these States, I have
concluded that you would not think it amiss to hear from me on the
subject of the removal of Congress to this place, tho’ I cannot
consider this communication as official but merely for your
information in my Individual capacity.
The State of our Finances making it indispensably necessary to
abridge the public expences in every instance that would not
endanger the union, we concluded to reduce the army by discharging
all the Soldiers enlisted for the War, with a proportionate number
of Officers, on condition that the discharge should operate no
otherwise than as a furlough, until the ratification of the
Definitive Treaty. This not only eased us of a heavy disbursement
of ready Cash for subsistence money and Rations, but gratified
many of the army who wished to be at home in the early part of the
Summer, to provide for the following Winter. Three months pay was
ordered, which could no otherwise be complied with, but by a paper
anticipation of the Taxes, payable in six months.
By an inevitable accident, the Notes did not arrive at the army
till six days after the Soldiers were discharged and had left the
camp. This, together with some difficulty in settling their
accounts, created an uneasiness among the Troops; but by the
General’s Address and the good conduct of the Officers, they all
retired peacably to their different States, tho’ without a single
farthing of cash to buy themselves a meal of Victuals.
In the Barracks in Philadelphia and at Lancaster, in the State
of Pennsylvania, there were a number of new Recruits, who had been
enlisted since the months of December and January last, and who
had not yet taken the field; these Soldiers having not been
brought under any regular discipline, made many objections against
accepting their discharges and gave their Officers reason to fear
some difficulty in getting rid of them; but the Secretary at War
thought he had satisfied them by assuring them of the like pay
with the rest of the army. On the 15th. of June a petition was
received from the Serjeants, requiring a Redress of their
grievances, in a very turbulent and indecent Style, of which no
notice was taken; but on the 18th we received the letters No. 1
and 2.
letters from Cols. Butler and Cols. Henry on the files of
A Committee was immediately appointed to confer with
the Executive Council of Pennsylvania and to endeavour to get them
to call out the Militia to stop the Mutineers; but to no purpose;
the Council thinking that the Citizens would not choose to risque
themselves when fair means might do. The first Report of the
Committee, contained in No. 3
See Journals of Congress July 1.
will shew their proceedings. On the 19th. the troops
arrived and joined those at the Barracks in the City, who had been
encreased in number by a few companies of old Soldiers arrived the
day before from Charles Town. The whole being very orderly and
quiet, Congress adjourned on Friday the 20th., as usual, till
Monday morning. On the 21st. one of the Committee called on me and
informed, that the Soldiers at the Barracks were very disorderly
and had cast off the authority of their Officers, that it was
suspected they had a design, the following night, against the
Bank; and advised me to call Congress without delay. This I did,
to meet in half an hour. The Soldiers by accident hearing of it,
very fortunately hastened their designs a day or two sooner than
was intended. The members of Congress had just got together,
except one, when the State House (in which also the President and
Supreme Executive Council were then sitting) was surrounded by
about three hundred armed Men with fixed Bayonets under the
command of seven Serjeants. Congress immediately sent for Genl.
St. Clair and demanded the reason of this hostile appearance, who
informed of his having just arrived in Town from his seat in the
Country in obedience to the orders of Congress of the day
proceeding; that he had received information from the Commanding
officer of the mutinous disposition of the Troops, who had marched
from the Barracks contrary to the orders of their officers; and
that the Veteran Troops from Charles Town had been unwillingly
forced into the measure. The President of the State then appeared,
and produced the paper of which No. 4
Message to Council
by the Serjeants.
is a copy, which had been sent into him by the
Congress determined they would enter on no deliberations while
thus surrounded; but ordered Genl. StClair immediately to
endeavour to march the Mutineers back to the Barracks by such
means as were in his power.
After several prudent and wise measures the General prevailed on
the Serjeants to return to their Barracks, convincing them that if
they were aggrieved they had a right to make it known in a decent
manner, thro’ any persons they might think proper to appoint. But
previous to this, after waiting surrounded by this armed force for
near three hours, Congress broke up and we passed thro’ the files
of the Mutineers without the least opposition, tho’ at times
before our adjournment, the Soldiers, amny of whom were very
durnk, threatened Congress by name.
The Mutineers had taken possession of the powder House and
several public Arsenals in this City, with some Field pieces from
the public Yar.
In the evening Congress met and made a House and came to the
resolutions contained in No. 5.
Resolutions of Sat. 21. June
and broke up without adjournment. The Committee not being able to
meet the Council till Sunday morning were then prevailed on to
wait for an answer till Monday morning and then received the
answer contained in the 2d. Report No. 6.
See Journals July 1.
However hoping that the Council would change their sentiments, the
Committee did not think proper to give me their advice till
Tuesday at two O’Clock in the afternoon. In the mean time the
Mutineers kept in arms, refusing all obedience to their Officers,
and in possession of the powder House and Magazines of Military
Stores. On Tuesday morning the Officers reported to me that the
preceding evening the Serjeants, notwithstanding some talk of a
submission and return to their duty, had presented six officers
with a commission each as in No. 7.
See files of Congress.;
and on one refusing to accept it they threatened him with
immediate death, and that, at the time of the Report, they were
getting very drunk and ina very riotous state. By the second
Report of the Committee you will be acquainted with the
particulars of the transaction, and with the addition that the
behaviour of the six Officers was very musterious and
inaccountable. At two O’Clock agreeably to the advice of the
Committee, I summoned Congress to meet at this place on Thursday
the 26th. of June, issued the Proclamation No. 8
See page 47.
this Book
and left the City.
As soon as it was known that Congress was going, the Council
were informed, that there was great reason to expect a serious
attack on the Bank the night following, on which the President of
the State collected about One hundred Soldiers and kept Guard all
night. On Wednesday it was reported that Congress had sent for the
Commander in Chief with the whole Northern Army, and the Militia
of New-Jersey, who were to be joined by the Pennsylvania Militia,
in order to quell the mutiny; which was no otherwise true than
ordering a detachment of a few hundred men from the North River.
The Serjeants being alramed, soon proposed a submission, and the
whole came in a Body to the President of the Stae, making a most
submissive acknowledgement of their misconduct, and charging the
whole of two of the Officers, whom they had commissioned to
represent their grievances, [A Capt. Carbery and Lieutenant
Sullivan,] who were to have headed them, as soon as they should
have proceeded to violences. These Officers immediately excaped to
Chester and there got on board of a Vessel bound to London. The
Serjeants describe the plan laid by these Officers as of the most
irrational and diabolical nature, not only against Congress and
the Council, but also against the City and Bank. They were to be
joined by straggling parties from different parts of the Country,
and after executing their horrid purposes were to have gone off
with their plunder to the East Indies. However incredible this may
appear the letters No. 9 and 10
See files of Congress
[Sullivan] to Cols. [Moyland, his Commanding Officer, from Chester
and the Capes clearly shew that it was a deep laid scheme. It
appears clearly to me that next to the continued care of divine
Providence, the miscarriage of this plan is owing to the
unexpected meeting of Congress on Saturday, and their decided
conduct in leaving the City, until they could support the federal
Government with dignity.
It is also said that two of the Citizens have been concerned in
this wicked plot, but they are not yet ascertained. They were
certainly encouraged by some of the lower class as well as by the
gneral supineness in not quelling the first movement. Some very
suspicious circumstances attending the conduct of the other four
Officers, who were commissioned by the Serjeants have caused them
to be arrested. The whole matter has so far subsided. The
detachment under Genl. Howe from the Northern Army has arrived in
the vicinity of the City and a Court of enquiry is endeavouring to
develope the whole affair.
The Citizens are greatly chagrined at the predicament in which
they stand and endeavour to lay the blame on the Council for not
calling on them and proving them, while the Council justify
themselves by the advice of the Militia Officers, whom they called
together for that purpose. The Citizens are universally
petitioning Congress to return to the City, assuring us of their
constant protection.
You will excuse me for tiring you with so circumstantial an
account, which nothing but the necessity of preventing the many
falsehoods that are generally propagated on these occasions and
the propriety of your being well informed, would ever have
justified me in.
I do myself the honor to send herewith the News-papers, and
particularly a Circular Letter of Genl. Washington to the
different States, which in my opinion gives the finishing stroke
to his inimitable Character.
I have committed this letter to the care of my younger Brother,
who is bound for London, having been in the Merchant service at
that port for several years, but who, I have the best evidence is
well attached to the interests of this Country, and who can inform
you of many particulars relating to the State of things here. I
have the honor to be &c.
The Honorable The Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States
&c. at Paris.
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