Before you receive this you will have heard of a total change of the British Administration. It is not as yet many hours since this event has taken place. The Cabinet is as follows viz
Before you receive this you will have heard of a total change of the British Administration. It is not as yet many hours since this event has taken place. The Cabinet is as follows viz
Mr. Pitt first Lord of the Treasury |
Ld Thurlow chancellor | Marquis of Carmarthen | Secretaries |
Ld Gower President of Council | Lord Sidney | of State |
D of Rutland Privy Seal | Ld Howe first Ld of the Admiralty. |
It is impossible for me to expect as yet any instructions in my department. In the mean time I beg of you to send me the earliest notice whenever the ratification of our definitive treaty of peace shall arrive from America, that we may loose no time in bringing that blessed event to a complete termination. I am My Dear friend Ever yours Most affectionately
D Hartley