Inclosed I Have the Honor so send You a Letter that Relates to our Continental Stores, and When I am able to Get the Account of them As You Have Seemd to desire, I will immediately Communicate it to Your Excellency—I fear the Army is in Want, and of Course Am particularly interested in their Safe and Speedy departure—if You Approve of it, I will wait upon M. de Castries, and from Him Know Every particular About the Convoy.
By a Very Good Information, tho Not Ministerial, I Have found that Mr. Reyneval Has Been truly intended to Go, or perhaps is Gone, in which I Confess I Have Been Mistaken—Having at once put two Questions to Count de Vergennes it Appears He Answerd But one of them, But Had I Sooner Received Your Letter I Would Have Been More pointed in My Enquiries With that Minister.
Upon Recollection, I Cannot Help thinking Mr. Jay Had some notion of My knowing Mr. Rayneval’s departure, and Having With You some Reserve about it Which it Was But proper to Return. When I thought of it, it Made me smile, and As it Was the 11th September I Might Have Spoke to Him pretty Much the Same Way As Scipio did to the Romans Upon a Mistaken Notion of theirs.
Be pleased, My Good friend, to Let Me know How You do, and Accept the tender Assurances of the High Respect and Warm Attachment I Have the Honor to Be With Your obedient humble servant and devoted friend