John Bondfield to the American Commissioners
ALS: American Philosophical Society
<Bordeaux, July 4, 1778: The Union left Edenton on June 6 and
arrived here on the 2nd but unfortunately, after so short a
passage, brought no news. Accounts come in of losses on the
Carolina coast caused by pilots’ misconduct; the inhabitants
mislead our ships or refuse help, and the state government
should take notice. Mr. Sartine has invited local merchants to
unite in fitting out privateers, and offered to lend cannon for
the duration at the King’s expense.
Mr. James Willing led the party that cut off the English
settlements on the Mississippi; a vessel recently arrived here
from New Orleans with a cargo estimated at a million livres.
Many ships have come from the French islands; one learned
from an English frigate that the British were only waiting to
attack until they learn how Count d’Estaing behaves on reaching
America. A rumor, probably fabricated here, tells of a
battle between Washington and Clinton in which the latter
The compliments of the day, which we plan to celebrate in
the usual style.>
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