I Beg leave to Inclose you a letter for M. De Callonna it relates you will see to our affair in which Barclay Moylan & Co. of this place were Concerned and which I thought had been long ended—Some time ago M. De Callonna was so good as to give up a Claim which was made here of a fine of one thousand livres—and agreeing to receve a payment of Dukes to the amount of Six hundred But by the Death of M. Moylan, and the Absence of M. Lorirthe in America, the payment was not Complied with and the Claim of one Fine is Now renew’d—My request is that your Grandfather will have the goodness to write a Note to M. De Callonne recommending the matter to his honorable Consideration and I Can only add the assurance that had I known some time ago of the state of the affair, Neither he Nor you wou’d have had this trouble
There is a Report here that the Freedom of this place is to be Transferd to Havre—Can you tell me whether such a Matter is thought of—I am Very much Dear Sir your Most obed. and Very Humble ser.