I inclose you a gazzet that Came out on the 5 day of this month which Surprised me much after hearing So much Taulk about Giveing the amerricans Everything but Bringing the Shugers Directley from the west indies that they Should issue on order of Councels for there owen Ships onley I have taken Care to Send two of the Gazetts one by Each Ship Bound to philadelphia as Soon as they apered to our frend mifflin who is in Congress I hope this will meet with your approbation yesterday on Change I taulkt to Some of the Committee of Merchants about it they all Seemd Surprised I told them they might be Shure Congress as Soon as it Got to hand would prevent aney of these Ships Loading in the united States for the west indies I Shall take Care while I am hear to Give you Everey information in my power am Glad to inform you that our frend Mr. Bingham is arrived and his Lady will make a stay and can for Some time he will also Give Everey information I am Dear Sir your Sincere frend