We do ourselves the honor of transmitting to Your Excellency for the information of the Legislature of the State in which you preside, an ordinance of the United States in Congress of the 7th Instant, for the speedy and effectual settlement of the Accounts depending between Individual States and the United States.
The Interest of the State as well as that of the Union are so materially involved in the completion of this object, that we entertain the fullest confidence that every measure will be adopted by the Government for facilitating the execution of this Business.
The Commissioner appointed for the District in which the State of Pennsylvania is included, is directed to give seasonable notice of the time when he will attend in person, or send on a proper clerk to receive and examine such accounts, and Vouchers as the State may be ready to furnish; and as the several States are limited by the Ordinance to a period for exhibiting their respective claims against the Union (of whatever nature the same may be;) we doubt not they will be impressed with the importance of losing no time in bringing forward their Accounts. We have the honor to be, with great respect, Your Excellency’s most Obedient and Humble Servants,