Their High mightinesesses the States general of Holland have granted permission for us to land on the Island of Texel a number of wounded British Prisoners of war, now in our hands, to guard them by our American Soldiers in the Fort of that Island, with the Draw-Bridges hauled up, or let down, at our discretion, and to remove them again from thence to our Ships at our free will and pleasure, and dispose of them afterwards, as tho they had not been landed.
Therefore you are hereby appointed Governor general over the wounded, and the Soldiers, &c. that are destined this day to conduct them to that Fort on the Texel, and to guard them there until further orders.
These wounded prisoners are to be Supported and provided with good Surgeons and Medicine, and with necessary attendance, at the Expence of the United States.
The Commissary of the Admiralty, who resides on the Texel, has undertaken, by our orders, to furnish you with the necessary provision; and Surgeons, Medicine and Bedding, &c. are sent from the Squadron.
In short, these prisoners, together with Such other Sick and wounded, as we may hereafter see fit to send to your care in that Fort on the Texel, are to be treated with all possible tenderness and humanity.
And you are to take care, that no person under your command may give any cause of complaint whatever to the Subjects or Government of this county; but on the contrary, to behave towards them with the utmost complaisance and civility.
For which this Shal be your order.