Corll Sargeant has Obligingly calld on me to let me know he is going to Philadelphia and will take Pleasure in conveyina a Leter to you, I gladly Embrace the opertunity as I wanted to tell you how much Pleasure I Injoy in the constant and lively mention made of you it [in] the Newspapers, which makes you Apear to me Like a young man of Twenty-five, Just Sitting out for the other Eighty years full of grate design for the Benifitt mankind, and your own Nation in Perticular, which I hope with the Asistance of Such a Number of wise men as you are conected with in the Convention you will Gloriously Accomplish, and put a Stop to the nesesity of Dragooning, and Haltering, they are Odious means; I had Rather hear of the Sword being beat into Plow-Shares, and the Halters used for Cart Roops, if by that means we may be brought to live Peaceably with won a nother, but I cannot Join in opinion with your Auther who thinks it not Right to Put a man to Death for Any crime. I fear we Should have a much worse Socity, tho we Should Adopt His Scheme Of a Prison built in a horrable Place, with Groaning Hinges, and Melancholy keepers, in Such a confinement would there be no Proliblity of its groing similier and Indiferent to them, and I do not concive of there being such an Entertaining Tale as to Imprese the minds of children so as to have any Lasting Effectt. Or that won of a Thousend would be Reformed by it. It has been said Dr. Franklin was the Auther of the pamphlit but I think not.
I think I have not wrote you since I recived the Explanation of the Medal I thank you for it, I should be much gratified with the Explaination of the other two. I sopose them to contain Encomiams on yr Self but it is yr Sister that aske it.
The Dreadfull clamity This Town has suffered by Fier has Included a Daughter of Tommy Hubards who married mr. Gouch, I think the worthyest of the Famely, they had there House burnt Down and lost aboundance of there cloathing and nesesaries her Uncle Tuttle is very Rich but Prehaps he thinks he may live to want all Him Self I beleve He is not more than Seventy. but some others has been charitiable notwithstanding the Dificulty of the Times, Aunt Patrage too is very Poor—in Sprit.
I will now tell you Somthing that will Pleas you our worthy Cousen Jonathan Williams has the Honourary Degree of master of Artes confered on him by the Corporation of our Colage, Dor Lathrop of of them tould me of it, you will See it after Comencement.
Remember my Love to yr Children and Grand children from yr Affectionat Sister