This moment our friend tells me in great confidence, that 873. 30 has at last made one principal Step they expected from him, by 705, 26. 884. 873. 783. 64. to sound 394. 274. about an 61. MPGPPX. 880. & 873. 598 PBX. CDLDPC. 322. 795, 26. 873. 183. 610. 578, 28.
388. 236, 27. 935. 388. 385. 884. 787. 884. 873. 783. 64. as a 960 man 601. 581. used to 842. 537. But 833. 388. 236, 27. 470. and 873. 783. 64. has 802. 880. very 214. an 304. 884. 665. 618. 880. PBBLO.
Our friend has this from 873. 783. 64. himself; And 62. 341. 873. 362. 657LBI. They are sure that 867. & OPXWLBN. 942. 39. 884. 873. 541. And a negociation is set on foot for a body of 600. 531, 28. which 878. 262. 601. 878. 942. 606. 322. 874. 560.
This Letter cannot go till to morrow. If there is some other news, I shall add it on the other side of this sheet.