The second Volume of the Transactions of Philosophical Society of Phila: which with your Letter of 4 Decem: last Your Excellency sent me to be presented to our Royal Academy of History was received by that body with the highest order of its Value as well on account of the Illustrious hand from which it came as also from seeing the early and excellent productions of that Body of which your Excellency is the worthy President—
The one which will most particularly command their attention is the Disputation of M. Oto upon the discovery of the Western Hemisphere; a point not less important to Spain than the new world and upon which were Communications before the Academy, anteriour to the one mentioned & posteriour to Robertsons History of America with a view of proving that Christopher Columbus was the Discoverer both of the Islands & Continent of your Hemisphere which is indeed conformable to the Unanimous voice of the Historians most worthy, of faith who lived at the time of this event, whether Spaniards Portuguese or foreigners. In order to overturn this assertion & historical possession it will be necessary to produce very authentic Documents & Impartial examination of the Said Dissertation, any thing new or important should arise, I shall be careful to transmit it to your Excellency who is so deeply interested in every thing relative to a Country of which you are so principal an Ornament—
Mean time The Academy direct me to communicate their warmest thanks for your respected attention & in return direct me to send some of its works which have been published, which I now do and mean to continue when any other are published which may appear worthy of your Curiosity—
I am particularly happy in this opportunity of offering my respectful attention to your commands. May Heaven long preserve your life for the service & Glory of your Country—