From John Woddrop (unpublished)
Bridge-Street of Glasgow the 17th: day of February 1783.

Animated with a desire of being as serviceable as I can, to the infant and new rising United States of America, and at the same time desirous for to have it in my power to be so also to my friends in that Country I am prompted thereby for to solicit your Excellency, to apply to you by a request for to receive a Scheme of the most sootible Merchandize of the different Manufacturys, of Great Britain, and Ireland that you do think will best answer for immediate exportation to that Country, for a Sale either in whole sale by the lump, or that will answer best for a Sale in a retail Store, Shop, or Warehouse in all or in any of the different States, particularly in Pynsilvania, Maryland and Virginia (In which last State, I was once resident, but long before the late troubles.) Which I pray to God, may never more afflict these States, but a most happy and perpetual peace be the Issue, of the treaty of peace between Britain and these States, to the mutual advantage of both countrys.

While I do myself the pleasure to expect this application will not give offence, permit me the favor to say, from your Excellencys knowledge I expect your wisdom will easily suggest to you, as proper and as well a digested Scheme, as it could be in my power for to procure from any other person, or set of men in this country.

Do your Excellency think silk gauze, manufactured in and about Glasgow will answer, it is sold from twelve pence to two shillings and six pence the Scots Ell (a measure containing an inch more an in honere than the English Yard,) Muslins for Womens Raiment, of three quarter, seven eight, and whole yard wide, and from six shillings to fourteen shillings the yard, the finest and highest price used mostly in Womens Aprons, neck handkurchiefs for Women, and Cravats and Neck Cloaths for Men, fine Holland for Shirts from two shillings, to four shillings the Ell, and upwards in the price and quality of the Holland, Flower’d Lawns for Womens Aprons of variety of different paterns, three quarter yard wide &c. and from two shillings Sterling and upwards the yard. I have mentioned these articles as they     in use for the Summer Season now approaching.

What encouragement could your Excellency propose for trademen, a husband-man, farmers and gardners to go and to settle in and among other young men under thirty years of age and some of them maried and having children.

If your Excellency find it needful for me to have a passport with goods to America &c. I shall be extreamly glad to have a passport to me from your Excellency or from any other proper and qualified person commissioned by the United Thirteen States of America can send me a proper and needful pass. Wishing to receive any proper answer to this letter, your Excellency may think the letter requires and it may appear necessary and as early as possible to send, I will wait for such a return.

I Am with my heart full of good wishes for the prosperity for the Sovereign thirteen United States in North America. And at the same time Singular Esteem pure Regard and perfect Respect for your Excellency. Permit me the Honour to be Sir your Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant,

John Woddrop.

His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, &c. at the Court of France.
Addressed: His Excellency Benjamin Franklin / &c. / Paris
Endorsed: Moddrop John 17 Feby. 1783.
Glasgow. 17th. February 1783

I propose to send out the goods I want the Scheme for, to the Gentlemen who compose the Company, of which on the inclosed ticket, your Excellency has an exact list as the same was transmitted to me, some years ago, by William Lee Esqr. of Westmoreland County in Virginia, then Secretary to the Co.

John Moddrop

Honbl. Presly Thornton,
Benedict Calvert,
Colonel George Washington,
Thomas Ludwell Lee,
Richard Henry Lee,
Francis Lightfoot Lee,
Henry Fitzhugh,
Adam Stephens,
William Fitzhugh,
William Brokenborough,
John Baylor,
Bernard Moor,
Revd. Henry Addison, A.M.
Arthur Lee, F.R.S.
Doctor William Flood
Richard Parker, Esquire,
John Turbervill,
Samuel Washington,
William Simpson,
Robert Woddrop, dead, & Succeeded by his Elder Brother John
Woddrop in Glasgow.
Cuthbert Bullet,
William Brent,
William Fitzhugh, Senior,
William Fitzhugh, Junior,
John Alexander,
Thomas Thornton,
Ralph Wormby,
Man Page,
Warner Lewis,
John Armistead,
William Booth,
Henry Rogers,
Samuel Jennings,
Thomas Cumming,
Stephen Sayre,
William Lee, Secretary.
A true Copy received from the Cos.
Secretary W. Lee, [Test?].

John Woddrop.

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