I Received yours of the 5th Inst. and believe nothing will prevent me meeting you at Burlington on Saturday next Col. Morgan says he will accompany me so that I hope we shall finish our Business out of Hand. I will look at the Chais that is to be sold but will not purchase one that has no Top to it. Mrs. Pyne sends her Compts. is but Middling in Health she is Vex’d at the loss of one of the Portmanteaux they were put in the Waggon at Bristol and it is thought whilst we dined at Trenton somebody carried off and we fear there is no redress to be had, it was not miss’d till we got home.
We have been unsuccessful in geting a Cook But Mrs. Morgan named to my Wife her design to part with the Negro Wench that waits at her Table of whom she gives a most excellent Character and calls a compleat Servant, she has two that comes under that description and they have equal abilitys consequently these rival Queens of the Kitchen cannot submit one to the other. Mrs. Morgan will not let her out to service but is determined to sell her the Price is 80 £ My Wife is of opinion tha if you have no objection that under 70 £ would be advantageous to purchase her and should that be agreable to you she thinks it would be well to have her three Months upon tryal, and the subject may be mentioned by you to Col. Morgan. The Wages given to Cooks in general is from a Dollar to Ten Shillings a Week. This is a Married Woman her Husband of good Character and lives with Dr. Witherspoon in Princeton, she is 27 Years of age & makes paste well.
If I should be much obliged if you will order your Servant to leave the inclosed at Mr. James and to ask for my Travelling Cap which if you will be so good to put in you great Coat Pocket will be doing me a favor I am Dear Sir with sincere respect Your most Obedient Humlb. Sert.