The Memorial of Thos Walpole, John Sarjant, Dr. Franklin and Saml. Wharton for the Purchase of Lands in America in behalf of themselves and their Associates. sheweth.
That your Memorialists propose to your Lordships to become Purchasers of a certain tract of land within the late Cession made to the King at Fort Stanwix by the six Nations and described in a Paper hereto annexed paying for the same £10,460 7s. 3d. and a Quit Rent of 2 shillings for every 100 Acres of cultivable Land within the said tract, which Quit Rent to commence after the expiration of 20 years. One fifth part of the Principal Money to be paid immediately on receiving a deed of Grant under the Great Seal for the said Tract of Land and the remaining four fifths to be paid annually by four equal Instalments——And Your Memorialists &ca.