Mr. Cornic of Morlaix will order to your Care a small Vessel design’d as a Packet for America. You will see by the Contract Copy inclosed, we are to load goods to a certain amount, as she is instantly to be dispatched. We desire you would put the quantity of Goods to be sent in her out of the Bales on hand. We have order’d that future Packets coming from America or else where to Nantes for us shall be under your direction, of which we have informed Mr. Penet and Mr. Moris. You will therefore on the arrival of any Vessel from America with Dispatches for us inform the Captains or Persons charged with them of your appointment receive the Letters and send them to us in the most safe and expeditious manner, plan for which of Mr. Chaumont is inclosed. We advise you to charge the Person bringing Dispatches to say not a Word of his errand to any one, and we confide in your prudence to conduct the receiving as well as the expedition of the Packets with all possible Secrecy. We are sir yours &c.