From Henry Harford (unpublished)

Being as your Excellency must know, very deeply interested in the welfare of America, permit me to congratulace the Congress in general and the state of Maryland in particular, thro your Excellency on the approaching acknowledgement of that independance that has been so gloriously struggled for, which cannot fail giving to the United States the wished for prosperity, that their commerce, Consequence, Situation, and indeed every thing entitle them to, and will I most cordially hope eventually when past hostilities shall be forgotten closely ally them in the strongest bonds of union with their Kingdom, an union that nature dictates and must in the end give laws to the whole world.

Your Excellencys known Candour will do justice on the other side the Atlantic to my past situation and present sentiments. My intention is to Embark for America as soon as the weather will permit. I wish to become a Citizen (if I may be allowed the expression) of that country which was not in my power till lately or I undoubtedly shoud have sought the honor sooner.

I beg your Excellency to accept my most gratefull acknowledgements for your polite attention to doctr Shuttleworth and for the letter and passport you were so obliging to furnish him with and I request you to believe me to be with the highest respect for your Character Sir Your Excellencys most obedient and obliged humble Servant

Henry Harford

[BF’s hand] Mr Smith who brought this Letter informs me that Mr. Harford is Proprietary of Maryland
Endorsed: Henry Hartford
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