I begin this as I have done several of my former Letters with advising your Excy that I have drawn on you a bill in favor of Messrs. Estevan Drouilhet & Co. for 2400 Livres Tournois at 90 days after Date, this Sum being the ballance of the Quarters Salary for which you permitted me to draw. The Cte de Montmorin informs me that the King has been pleased to furnish you lately with farther supplies to answer our Demands in Europe. In that case I hope you will have the goodness to think of my Wants and to inform me when it will be in your Power to accept drafts for what may be due of my Salary.
This Court is as Dilatory as ever. It is an excellent School for Patience, for which reason I suppose so many young Ministers are sent hither from Other Countries; if It was only innattentive to our Affairs, We should have still more reason to complain, But I find that all who have business here, even our Allies, are treated alike by the Ministry, Neither Soothing or Menacing make any Impression; I have seen Memorials in each Stile, which have shared the Same Fate—A Terrible Mortification for those who write and reason well and who love to write and reason—I wait from time to time on the Count de F. B. and Mr. Del Campo and in a respectful Manner Sollicit their Attention to the Offices passed by Mr. Jay. They receive me politely and promise and make excuses. To shew Resentment without the Ability to gratify it, would be as Idle, as it might be prejudicial at this Crisis. The Ct. de Florida Blanca repeated at this Silio? his Invitation to me to dine with the Corps Diplomatique on the Saturday. I have availed my self of it but once and that in Consequence of the Advice of the French Ambassador and the Ministers requesting me to see him on the Saturdays a half an hour before Dinner. He will probably soon have more to do than Ever, Mr. Roda the Minister de gracias y Justicia being dangerously ill, it is said that the King in case of his Death will oblige the Ct de F. B. to accept of that Department Also.
The Depretiation of the paper is now at 10 per Ct., The Subscription for the Bank of Carlos fills slowly, I believe not more than 11 millions of Rials have been subscribed.
On the night of the 14th Inst the Beseigers were to make their Approaches on the Land Side agst. Gibraltar, six thousand men of which 1000 are French were to be employed on this Occasion: if discovered by the Beseiged, before they had time to cover themselves, it is probable that it had been a bloody business, The Courier which brings this to your Excy, will also carry an Account of the Issue of this Affair. 620 bouches de feu are to be employed in this seige.
The Prussian Minister was presented to the King and Royal Family on Sunday last on Sunday Evening he visited the Foreign Ministers chargés des Affaires &c and myself Among the Number, leaving at my Lodgings the following note
“Le Comte de Neslitz a l’honneur d’informer Monsr Carmichael qu’il a pris ce Matin ces audiences du Roy et de la Famille Royale.”