The last Week I had the Pleasure of spending a few Days with Mr. Deane at Ghent in Flanders at that Time I had some Intentions of coming directly to Paris. As such I took Charge of the inclosed Packet for Dr. Bancroft. As I find I shall not be in Paris so soon as I then thought and as the Letters may be of Consequence I take the Liberty of enclosing them to You as I am entirely ignorant of Mr. Bancrofts Abode at Paris. I sent to Dr. Franklin Two Letters which I had for him from England and I have at present a Copper plated print of Lord Romney which I shall send him as soon as I can have a proper Conveyance. I beg You will be so kind as to present him My respectful Compliments. Am sorry to give You the Trouble of this hope will excuse it and believe Me to be Dear Sir you most humble and obedient Servant