I seems long to me since I heard from you, and I have suffered a sore tryal since I Last wrot to you in the sickness of my Grandauter Jenny who is my Constant Atendant and comfort, for six weeks my Exercise of boddy and mind was so sevear I have scarse time to think of any thing Els for Eight and forty hours we dispared of her Life her Phisician said Afterwards tho he had long Practice he had never a Patient will all the simptoms of Death on them as she had that Recovered, but thank God she is again about House and we have hopes of a Perfect Recovery.
I my self held out bravely and we had the Asistance of a number of kind friends and Provedence so ordered it that there was nothing thought nesesary for her Relief or comfort but what it was in our Power to Procure and administer Imediatly, O my God I never did Distrust thy Kind Provedence and thou art continuealy conferming me in that Dependance upon Thee.
Cousen Rodgers Informd me of this opertunity His son who now Lives at New york is going to Philadelphia in about a month. Prehaps I may write by him, but if I should not as I doubt not but he will call on you I would now Inform you that He is a Reputable young man was brought up a merchant hes been a Number of years a Principle in Partnership with Cox and Berry, and has Acquiered somthing conciderable, has married in England a Reputable yound Lady with a Prity Litle Fourten has allways been good to his Parents His mother you know was sister Davinports Daughter.
My Neibour Mrs. Walker has made a Request to me which I could not Refuse and shall Inclose you her Billit I think she ought to have mentioned the Perticulars of Plate but Prehaps she did not Recover her thirds of there Estate at Canedy and she says she does not know how to git there. They were forcd to sell most of there Plate and Furniture to Live on.
My Daughter and my self continue in beter Helth than Usal Prehaps the Extroidenary Exercise has been servicable to us. I am as Ever my Dear Brother your Affectionat sister