Extracts from the Gazette, 1747
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 6, 1747.
Philadelphia, August 6. 1747.

Stolen or stray’d last Night, out of B. Franklin’s pasture, near this city, a likely young sorrel Horse, about 14 hands high, with silver Mane and Tail, four white feet, a blaze in his face, no brand, a large belly, and is in good case, paces well, but trots sometimes, very small ears, and is shod all round. Also a small bay horse, without shoes, low in flesh, long dark tail and mane. Whoever brings them to the subscriber, shall have Forty Shillings reward for the first, and Ten Shillings for the other: If stolen, and the thief detected, so that he may be brought to justice, Five Pounds, with reasonable charges, paid by

B. Franklin

[August 6]
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