Chaumont’s Memoir on the Dispute between Jones and
AD: University of Pennsylvania Library
<[after November 24, 1779], in French, under the heading
“faits entre M. Jones et Landais”: Jones and Landais have been
locked in bitter dispute since the Bonhomme Richard collided
with the Alliance during their first cruise from Lorient; Jones’s
slowness in convening a council of war to terminate the quarrels
between Landais and the officers of the Alliance caused
them to ferment. It continued during the second cruise when
part of Jones’s crew deserted to the coast of Ireland. Landais
became suspect to Jones, who ever since has believed that Landais
deliberately failed to respond to his signals and separated
from him. He did not so accuse the other captains who became
separated, and, like Landais, later rejoined the squadron. He
charged Landais with planning to abandon the Pallas if a ship
they were pursuing proved to be a 50-gun warship; it was actually
the Bonhomme Richard. The combat of September 23
against the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough with its horrors
could be expected to make him more upset with Landais. No
action could have been better suited to eliciting the bravery of
Captain Jones; it could be said that anyone else would have succumbed
to the danger of sinking or burning, even with the hope
of being helped by another frigate from the squadron. It was
Landais who brought this help and ended the battle with three
volleys, the last of which caused the Serapis to strike her colors.
The Serapis and Bonhomme Richard being locked together, it
would have been difficult to avoid also hitting the Bonhomme
Richard, particularly with grapeshot ricocheting off the Serapis’
cannon. Landais, however, gave the order to aim carefully at
the Serapis, that order was repeated all over the ship, and the
Serapis was clearly identified. Landais has given the most authentic
evidence disproving the monstrous allegation that he
fired on Captain Jones. He has perfectly explained how the
Bonhomme Richard was holed below the waterline on the side
opposite the Serapis. The Serapis’ continual firing at the same
location opened a hole through which her last shots passed at
an angle and penetrated the opposite side at or below the waterline.
The heat of combat and his predisposition against Landais
misled Jones and he had no time to reflect on what had happened.
His retraction in the Gazette de Leyde is incomplete in
this regard and merely proves one should not credit his first
account. It was on that basis, however, that Landais has been
summoned to Paris, Mr. Franklin being asked to send for him,
above all to ascertain if the loss of the Bonhomme Richard could
be attributed to his slowness in giving assistance. Franklin owes
that satisfaction to the French government since the Bonhomme
Richard belonged to the King, who paid all the expedition’s expenses.
Landais has acquitted himself with frankness, but still
fears he will be condemned by everyone, even Franklin. It is
not possible to give a fair judgment by such informal means,
therefore he should be sent before qualified judges. It was
agreed that when the squadron reached the Texel Captain
Jones, having lost his ship, had the right to choose another, and
this had to be the Alliance, since it was the only American one.
As it would be dangerous for Landais to embark on the same
vessel, he must await the first conveyance the United States can
provide him. His salary will not cease, as he has provided a
satisfactory defence and in all other regards he merits praise for
his ability, gallantry, and absolute probity.>
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