From Nicholas (Michael?) McCormick (unpublished)

Honourable Sir


Confiding in your Honor’s natural goodness, I make bold to trouble you with this scroll, I am an Irish Franciscan fryer who am in the name of God to repair to my poor Country; and tho’ I stand in need of many things yet I shou’d be sorry to be burdensome to your Honour in a Strange place, but if your Honor be disposed to distribute any thing for the love of God, I know no other object more fit than a poor Irish fryer, whose nation is extremely afflicted, especially as for the Catholick part; it’s in vain to call to a frenchman for any help; for Our misery is not felt by them for the most part, but if there was any body to represent our Case to the King, I don’t doubt but his Majesty would give some relief towards the support of poor religious people whose whole Study it is to praise God, to propagate the Faith, and to edify the people, to teach the ignorant, and bring decorum into the World; Now hoping that Your Honor is not against the Welfare of Such institution, I’ll take the liberty to come to see your Honor for which I wait ’till to-Morrow.

Honourable Sir I am your most humble most obedient Servant

Nich. McCorm[ick]

who shall never fail to pray for your Honour’s Spiritual and temporal prosperity.
Addressed: The Honourable Doctor Francklin President of the Congress
Endorsed: MacCormick Mich.
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