From John Thornton
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Paris 4th: Oct: 1777 Hotel des trois Evechez rue Mauconseille

Inclosed you Have the latest papers I brought from Dieppe. As Soon as my trunk arrive I’ll do myself the honor of waiting on you to communicate my papers &c:, which will be in a few days. I am obliged to go off for Dijon tomorrow morning to settle a young Gentleman and Lady from England, the parents having requested it of me.

If any thing was wanting in Swithzerland and that you would chuse to honor me with your commands, you may rest assured that my endeavours shall be fully exerted to give you satisfaction. There is nothing let it be ever so hazardous, that I will not undertake to prove you the Sincerity of my intentions. I have told you the situation of my Affairs; I have therefore nothing left but my good conduct to render me worthy of your Esteem. I have the honor to be with great regard Sir, your most obedient and most obliged Servant

J Thornton

Should you honor me with any Commands a letter directed for me poste restante at Nancy will be delivered to me.
Notation: Thornton 4. Oct 77 Paris.
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