I hear that Capt. Sparkes is to saile to morrow
or next day. I set down to chatt a littel to you, and in close a
letter, which I had sente to N yorke but the vesill was gon. I
wente up to see our Children att Burlinton on Satterday and Billey
Come doune with me on munday and returnd yisterday and Salley wente
up with him and I expeckte her down this day or to morrow. I was
the reder [readier?] to let her go as shee is not verey well and
looks verey paile so as to give me much uneseynes but shee all way
looks ill in summer and 2 or 3 day Changes her but I thinke shee
has bin maid unesey a bought her Brother who was chalinged on
Munday night. I shold not a sed one word to you but I thinke
sumbudey will tell. The Chaling was sente by young Hickes brought
by young Dr. Kersly verey much in drinke. Salley was verey much
scaired and wold not let her Brother go withoute her. So you see
this dafter of ours is a mear Champin and thinkes shee is to take
Cair of us. Her Brother and shee is verey hapey togather indead but
I long to see her back a gen as I Cold not live a bove another day
with ought her as I am sir cumstanced [circumstanced] a mind
flutered sum times glad then depresed and so on. O that you was att
home but be ashuered that no littel famely ever had more hormoney
in it than youres has and I truste will have.
Senes I wrote the above I have wrote to you by
Mr. Tenche Fransis and lefte this tell Capt. Friend Sailes which
will be to morrow morning. If Mr. Fransis is a rived he will have
told you his misforten but I hope it will end better then he
thinkes att presant. I say nothing a bought Mr. Beach as he writes
to you himselef. On frey day laste Salley and my Selef was asked
over the river to a tortel [turtle] Billey and Mrs. Franklin and
the Mair of Burlinton and his Ladey the whol Wharton famely the
Ducke was my Gallant. We spente a plesant afternoon and when we
talked of partin we Cold not so our Children and thair Nabors Came
over with us and staid tell within this quortor of an ower and as
Salley is better I have given her leve to go up with them and thay
air to send her down to morrow. Thay say it will be of servis to
My old Friend Debbey Norris has lefte us. She
was one of my first play maites and I raly Loved her. I wente to
the bureyal and I desire to visit Mrs. Norris soon. With sum
Dificalty I have got a Bill to send to you but I shold explain it.
I did all I Cold as did young mr. Foxcroft and mr. Thomson but
David Potts got it att laste. This afair has made everey bodey
quite amaised and as several vesiles has sailed it was quite
difical to get a Bill. I see it is for more then the money
menshoned in the drafte but as I have bin so much ingaed I Cold not
see mr. Potts. Due my Dear if you Can Comfort mr. Franses for he
standes in nead of a friend as dus some others but I say lose of
substans is not lose of repeytashon and it is sed what is is beste
but what is I know I Cante helpe and so muste indever to thinke and
make the Beste of it. The afaire I menshon this failer [failure] of
the merchant that has hurte Mr. Franses but I truste that Same God
whos marseys is over all his workes will never leve him nor aney
other to suefer and be deprest. Polley Ashmaid is here and sendes
her love to you.
Laste evening Mr. Foxcrof Came to town in
Companey with Governer Wantworth. I saw him and this day thay was
with Billey in our Parler but I did not see him as I was not fitt
to be seen.
I supose Mr. Foxcrof writes by Friend or the
Packit. My love to good Mrs. Stephenson to my Dear Salley Franklin
to mr. and mrs. Strahan to Capt. Orrey and Ladey and Dafter to Mrs.
Weest and I shold a sed Mr. Weest. I am in hopes Salley will be in
town time eneuef to write. I wold say sumthing a bought the Ring
and letter hough like your selef it is and what pleshuer it has
given to maney of our friends. Mr. Ross wanted Salley to let him
have it but as he Spook to me I sed thay mought send to you to get
them one. I rely wish that you wold get two of your shaids dun one
for Mr. Robortes and one for Billey.
It is all moste night I muste bid you adue and
am my Dear Benney your Afeckshonat wife