Action of the New Jersey House, Council, and Governor Appointing Benjamin Franklin as Agent (III)
Copy: American Philosophical Society
New Jersey At a Council held at Burlington on Friday Decem-ber 20th. 1771.
His Excellency the Governor James Parker Esqr.
Charles Read Esqr. Stephen Skinner Esqr.
John Stevens Esqr. Daniel Coxe Esqr.
Samuel Smith Esqr. John Lawrence Esqr.

The Resolves of the Council, and House of Assembly of the 11th. Instant, appointing Doctr. Benjamin Franklin Agent for this Colony, being laid before the Board, His Excellency, with the Advice of the Council, was pleased to give his Concurrence to the said Resolves.

A true Copy from the Minutes of the Privy Council.

Cha. Pettit D Clk of the Council

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