To Rodolphe-Ferdinand Grand (unpublished)
Philada. May 13. 1788
Dear Friend,

I wrote to you lately, and have little to add except that the Commission your good Lady executed for my Daughter is at length come to hand, and gives great Satisfaction, and that the Work, which was begun, goes on with Rapidity. I wrote also to Mada. Grand the 23d of April. My Love to her if you please, and to the rest of your Family.

Besides the Drafts mention’d in my last of £150 and £300 Sterling, I have since drawn two more Bills of Fifty Pounds cash, one in favour of Adam L Zantisinger, the other in favour of Sonntag which I doubt not you will honour as usual. The Account of last Year is not yet arriv’d. I continue well, and am as ever, my dear Friend, Yours most affectionately

B Franklin

Mr Grand
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