at Mr Boyers next door to the Black house in Second Street
Philadelphia Sepr 26 1789
The business that has detaind for more then two years in this
state should have been settled twelve months ago. I have waited
the delays with anxiety that ever attends distress sensible my
friendless unprotected situation aided the designs of those who
have highly injured me in violating the public faith. Many letters
passd between Mr. Boudinot and myself respecting a Bond and
Judgment given by James Reid to my father John Moland an extract
of one I take the liberty to transcribe.
“The three years appointed by Law for the installment of debts
due before the war is nearly expired so that I have put the Bond
in suit and it may be his son sill pay the money rather then have
his father exposed.”
Mr. Boudinot never put the Bond in suit. Mr. Reid was one of the
Council of this State. I am not in debt. I gave up an Estate in
Bucks to Daniel Longstreet my agent to pay them a balance of which
remains in my favor with all my pa[pers?] and a Recipt for the
Bond which he refuses to to me. If my unfortunate situation merits
at[tention?] or the remembrance of my father your old friend
[missing] in force my request inable to return to Britain
[missing] my having my property restord this I most [earnestly?]
hope as I have in England a small inde[missing] and my children
and some friends. I am Sir With great respect your Obedient Humble