I recd yrs Dated 1st of the month on the 19. Was much Rejoycd to see your hand writing and that you Retain such Fortitude under your severe Afflection. You can hear of few that in your circumstances would be able to make such comparisons, but many who would Rather say I have mett with such and such Dificulties and been trobled all my Life. I think it is now time I should Live at Ease. This is comon where People meete with nothing Extrodnary.
I beleve cousen Jonathan did not Desire to sett things in a wrong light nor did he say your Illnes was the cause of your not writing. It was an inferance of my own but as they were writing to him from his Fathers and I knew him to have such grat Revernce and affection for you that he woud certainly know, I therefore Desiered him to let me know, he tould me he thought your Disorder Increecd and leaft you fewer Intervals than before and that he began to think it would happy for you to have gone thro the operation in Europe as you were Blessd with such an Exelent constitution which sett you twenty years younger than comon People.
Cousen Williams came Emediatly Down to me with the Leter as he allway does and finding you had sent so many that I had not Recd he went in the morning to the Office and they made a shift to finde two but that Dated may is not to be found. They say they did not know there was such a Person in town and that they had Advertisd them, but this is not the first time they have served me so by several. They are too Lazey to Look, for my Grandaughter has askd at the Office many times in this space of time; I have formerly been tould there were Leters there for me and when I sent there was none, send a second time by some won who would stand by them and force them to Look and got them. I have sent a second time after your may Leter but without succes.
There misconduct has Led you in to a grat mistake concerning cousen Williams. There never was a Person more Assiduous in there Indevours to oblige than he has all ways been to me, we never had a word with Each other that had the Least Apearance of Miff and he says he can Lay his hand on his Haert and say it has all ways been the gratest Pleasure to him to have it in his Power to Render me any service and it has all ways apeared so to me. With Regard to the Books he says it was not an Hour after he know of such a consignment to Him before he sent and fecthd them to his House and I am satisfied has done all he could to Dispose of them Properly. He shewed me your Leter as soon as he recd it but the Books were never sent Exept a small Parcel I sent for to try my own Ingenuity but found it deficent.
Our People some of them at Least have the good sense to Percive all the good Properties in them that you mention but there few that have the good Reading of there children so much at Heart as to think it nesesary for them to Inspect it them selves, yet I beleve no won who has Ever seen them that can dispise them, but the Book selers and Printers have so many hundreds of an Inferer sort on hand which they sell for allmost nothing with your Prity Picturs, and I think there is a nother cause they are Jealous of a young Printer who so far surpases them in the Art and accuracy of his Profeshion and are not willing to Incuridge him by Disposeing of his work.
Mr. Williams says he was to blame in not writing at the Time but that he was very unwell and his mind so discomposed with troble he could not sett about writing to you. He is Realy Greved that you should have such a suspicion of him. The taking coppies of Leters as you do is a grat convenancy as well as curiousity. I have no conception how it can be done so Exactly and not deface the origenal.
Sucky Hubart was buried the night before Last and we have a Neibour now lies Dead the Last of the old sett of Inhabatants of this street Mrs. Larrabe. There has been won or too Deaths in Every house in the street since we came to Live hear ours only Exempt. We have no Reasson to Expect it will Remain so Long. Our Friend Mrs. Greene Recved your Leter. She calls it a Dear good Leter and says she will bring it when she comes to see me in the fall?.
I beleve I wrot you Mr. Collas came home in the fall he had not been able to Procure traid or a Vesel to his mind was without Biusnes to his mind and after he had been home about a fortnight he Entered a board a Brig as mate workd constantly and Dilegently till she was Reddy to sail and went in her to the west Indies and south carolina. He was not able to leave his wife more than twenty Dolars when he went a way which was but small to suply the Famely and his wife with what nesesarys she wanted for her own Person, all but that has lane wholly on me Ever since (till a bout a fourtnight ago he sent her a small suply from carolina). This being the case I was carefull to Live very frugaly and have not ben much straitned till the very Instant her mony came, but I had unavoidably contracted a large Debpt for my Grandaughters sicknes a year ago which I have not been able to Pay. She was Extreemly sick. I had very nearly lost her and it is a valuable Life to me. The Docter was Exeding atentive for two months and she Recovered but has never been so strong and hardy since. On this acount and to Indulg my self in a few litle things I will thankfull accept the Forty Dolars as I see no Proble Prospect of Paying this Dept without it and Debpt is a Burden I cannot bare. I owe no won Els a Farthing Exept a litle back Rates for my Pue at meteing which I have not been ask’d for it. I shall have more Intrest Due the Last of next month and Mr. Williams Pays me his Punctaly but I comonly have it apropreated in my mind to some Perticular uses, that with your ocational Bounty Enables me to livee comfortable, and credibly, and I know it would greve you if I did not as well as have Just cause to be Angrey and think I had misconducted, and I should be Ashamed of my self for Every won knows that my Brother is a Never failing sours of Good to his Ever Gratfull Sister