From J. Geib (unpublished)
London march 25th 1783.
Honourable Sir

I hope your honour will Excuss my Lieberty of Sending the Folowing. Ten years ago, I left my Nativ Country the Palatinate of the Reign, in Germany, with the indent to go to America, but while on a Eight years Trable in Germany and France, I heard of the great Arts in London, So I resolved to Stay a few years, for to improuve if possibb in my arts, but while in that time the ware Brock out, also Oblidge to postbon my Jurney, and now all thoss Calamiteis at a end, and that in Favour of America, Wich Gives me the more encouragment, for to Wish to be a member of Soch a happy Country, but while men in Genral are a frait to throst a stranger with a Capital work, Therefor I take the Lieberty, to Bog your honours Protection, and Recommatation, while I ame able to Shew and prouve any Gentelman your honour Should pleass to Sand, for inquiring, wat I have performt in this part of the world, wich I look opon but little, but enough to give Sadisfaction to every body. I found out Sence in London, that it takes op a long while before a man is Knowing in a Strange Country, without Recommentation, and happens often, that the best Artist are lost for vand of it, therefore I ame most a frait to unter take Soch a jurney with out it.

I take the lieberty to inform your honour, that ame acquindet with mainy a genius peopel in Germany, wich by the first Notice would folow me for my part, I have been Broad op a Orgon-builder; Harpsicord; grand and little Pianoforte maker, and made the Same Sence in London. Pedal Harps I made on my own account, Sence hier with Great Sadisfaction, Eightteen Month ago I moendot a Flute with Sixty pipes, with a Stopd in treble with therty pipes, unter a little Pianoforte, with great Sadisfaction, and cane harly been Seen, without a person Knows Some thing of it. I do not account on this as eny thing worth while, but only wish for a opportunety to Shew my Selfes by eny thin of more Consequince. I cane prouve in the mean while Some Capitel houses in London, wich hade Severele time order for to Sent me to St. Petersburg, and I refews it on account of my former unter takeing, I Should be very happy to hear that them few Lines mat with a Favorable Reception. Sir I have the Honour to be your most humble Servant

J. Geib

No. 23. upper mary Le bone Street the Corner of gorge Street
Addressed: To The Right Honourable / I Franklin / Ambassador of America / at / Paris
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