From Charles Pettit and John Bayard (unpublished)
New York, 9th. June 1786

Yesterday we had the Honour to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 4th Instant. We went to wait on the Governor of this State with the Communications committed to us, but His Excellency, tho’ daily expected, is not returned from a Journey northward on which he set out some Weeks ago.

The delegates from Connecticut being absent from Congress, we have transmitted to Mr. Mitchell, one of those Delegates (who we understand to be also a Member of the Legislature and now at Hartford) a Copy of your Excellency’s Letter of the 4th. Instant, except the cautionary Part respecting the intercepted Letter. Also a Copy of Mr. Shaw’s Letter to your Excellency, leaving out the name of the writer of the intercepted Letter, and the name of the Person to whom it was directed.

This Morning Dr. Johnson has resumed his Seat in Congress. We have communicated to him the Contents of your Excellency’s Letter and Inclosures. He expresses great Concern that the Distractions in Pennsylvania are thus Continued, but seems very confident that the State of Connecticut will discountenance it’s Citizens in all farther pursuit of Claims in Pennsylvania other than such as the Laws of Policy of the latter shall warrant. He has not lately been at Hartford where the Legislature are now sitting, but says he is well informed that the Act of Congress respecting their proposed Cession will enable the State to induce the Susequehanna Company to transfer their Views from Pennsylvania to a more Western Country. This done, the Insurgency in Pensa. will probably subside. We have the Honor to be, with perfect Respect, Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servants

Cha. Pettit
John Bayard
His Excellency The President of Pennsylvania
Endorsed: 1786 June 1st From Charles Pettit and John Bayard Esqrs two of the Delegates of Pennsylvania
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