Can a few Lines compensate the trouble of opening this Letter? it is to convey the sentiments of a whole family in wishing you and your or thy Grandson many returns of the present Season—you have not, in the Extensive Dominions from the Bay of Fundy to the Mississippi, more sincere, warm or Impartial friends than Lady Newenham and the Colonels of the Liberty Volunteers; it is with pleasure I reflect, that I declared these Sentiments in the days of adversity; it was then that I decided in favor of Virtue, and reprobated the Conduct of British Tyranny; In pleading for the rights of America, I met many Severe oppositions, but as truth gained Ground, I Surmounted the first difficulties, and our first Victory was gained by the Address against the American War, and then refusing to receive the Hannoverians in full confidence that if we received them, every Soldier in Ireland would have been sent to America, that would have added 6000 more to your opponents; Ireland, particularly the Cities of Corke and Dublin, deserve very warm returns in National connection and friendship from the United States of America, and I hope in the Course of Trade an Union of sentiments will appear.
I have been very uneasy in my mind for this time past, on reading the accounts of dissentions upon disbanding the Army, without the troops having received their arrears; though his Excellency General Washington answers to the addresses Assent my fears, yet I cannot divest myself of anxiety, when I imagine some thousand of Soldiers are dispersed through the Country dissatisfied, and more so at this important Period, when it requires the most peaceable and the most unanimous Connections between all parts of the New Empire, to form their Police, arrange their Laws, regulate their Commerce and Establish a System for permanent Legislation, and to have these matters regulated as soon as possible, for it might happen, in the Course of human Events, that the Politics of the European Powers might change, and involve the United States in a War, before they had recruited their Strength; discontented Soldiers would then be a dangerous Class of men; Pardon these Ideas, for they arize from the warmest attachment to your Cause—a Cause that has been Crowned with Success by perseverance and unanimity, and must, now, be supported by wisdom and disinterested Virtue.
The foggy air of the Metropolis induced me to quit it during the recess of our Assembly (miscalled a Representative of the People) and take the Diversion of Shooting during the hard frosts we have had these some days; wild fowl were never Known to be in Such plenty or so good, but the Number of People now permitted to Carry arms, renders it sometimes dangerous to Sport near a town or Village.
All the Electors of this Kingdom, except the Counties of Waterford, Carlow, Louth and Ghildare, are in motion for obtaining Petitions and addresses in respect to a more Equal Representation; those 4 Counties are mere Boroughs, and their owners are perfectly inimical to every System of oeconomy or Reform; however we have better hopes now, than ever we had, if the young Minister Mr. Pitt remains in power as he inherits the Principles of a Reform from his father; and Richmond has given it under his hand; our greatest difficulty, then, will be how to liquidate the Compensation Money; for we must purchase the acquiescence of the Borough Mongers; many Boroughs are included in marriage settlements; some are entailed upon minors, others divided among females; it will require the greatest abilities and Judgement to form an adequate Bill, as we have so many Enemies naturaly and interestedly, inimical to the Measure—should the 28 remaining Counties, and the 8 free Cities and towns join in the same mode of petitioning, even our present Venal Parliament must yield to the Voice of Justice and Right;
These changes in the British Ministry injure and impoverish us; we Scarce become acquainted with the Character and plans of one Vice-roy, before he is Superceded; another comes and he bribes another Squadron of Corruptable Ruffians and Each Vice-roy gets 3000 pound for a service of Plate; Each secretary gets a Docieur, or a sine cure employment, and we are overrun with a Swarm of Black Locusts, who accompany the Vice King to the Land of Canaan; if I find a proper Spirit at our next meeting I will agitate these matters—our Crown and Civil officers are let who will be miller; they compliment Every Lo Lieutenant, let his Character and Connections be what they may.
as I mentioned in a former part of my Letter, I find by this days post, that the City of Waterford has resolved against a reform; I suspected it, as the Tyrone Interest is predominant there; is it not astonishing that the Tyrone Interest should Carry such a Sway: whether their Characters are already Strawn to you, I cannot say, but I can assure you, that in the main and almost all the Collateral Branches united, they cannot produce two Men of tolerable good Sense;
We are in anxious expectation of the proceedings in the British house of Faction on the 12th Instant; we are told, that a new arrangement is to take place here, but as that never happened amidst all former Charges (except in one or two Employments) I doubt it—though I am confident some Changes in the Reserve Department would be of service to our Trade.
We could not find a trenchant in our whole City of abilities and spirit to Stand Candidate, so we have two blundering Aldermen babbling for it—Warren was a poor Deputy Guager, and I took him into my office as a Clerk, and afterwards made him Cashier, while I was Collector; I got him made a freeman of the City of Dublin and then Sheriff and alderman; immediately after, he shewed his gratitude and opposed my Election for the County of Dublin, to the utter Surprize of Every body, as we never had the smallest dispute; he will Carry this Election, as the Independant Interest have no Object—it is realy astonishing, that in such a City, we should not find a single man of worth and abilities to stand forward;
My Eldest Son and I have some thoughts of Visiting the Continent of America in the Course of the present year, when I shall hope for Letters of Introduction from your Excellency and your friends Lady Newenham and all my family, Join me in the warmest sentiments of respect to you and yours—I have the Honor, to be, with the Highest Respect your Excellencys most obedient and obliged Humble Servant